i got nothin

i’ve been blogless lately becuase i got nothin. i was chatting with my buddy stippy earlier and we both came to the same consensus. we just have nothin. nothin interesting to say. so here’s what’s had my attention lately:

cheers beautiful people

one song

give me one song that has moved you lately. it can be by anything.


stalker video

i have a stalker. his name is @claydeezy. last night clay shot this of me right before the intro of our mens basketball game v. texas tech. my camera is live to the video board, and he is shooting to tape. and while he shot this, i am actually up live. that makes it a little more interesting.

quality is awful, and my dvd ripper choked it down to 4:3. its less than 10 seconds so who cares.


(for you rss reader folks, here’s the link: http://www.vimeo.com/3012365)

link love

i havent done link love in a while, and this go round i only have one.

clay’s mom, gayla, is now blogging and facebooking.

check out her blog here, and you’ll have to do a facebook search, bcuz i could only find a link to this lady.


i got a mobi

i have a mobile site. you can access it from your pc, but it’s better viewed from your internet enabled mobile phone.

add this to your phone links: jonathanmobley.mofuse.mobi

go here to add one for yourself. it’s super easy, even @nicburleson could probably figure it out. i kid, i kid.


5 things increasing my productivity

  • evernote
  • google docs/calendar/gmail/reader
  • tweetdeck
  • youversion
  • mobile web


a little something for the less-tech savvy folks.

one of the featured web apps in this months collide magazine, is animoto. basically, its an easy way to put pictures to music, without needing software. the site was started by producers from mtv, comedy central, and abc. in other words, the dudes know what they’re doing.

so head on over, make a little diddy, and come back and show me your creation.


it’s coming..


this little number is in the mail, and on it’s way. in the midst of ordering textbooks from amazon, i figured i should order something i was actually interested in. it teaches frequencies, and comes with MP3 files of those  frequencies. the point of that is to quickly identify feedback frequencies, ringing in tom’s etc. yes i realize how geeky that sounds.


ubc audio

i ran across an interview with media director jon davis about how university baptist in waco, tx does audio/other media.

here and here are pictures that accompany the article, that talk about how some instruments are mic’d at UBC, and how they’re worshihp space is setup.

whats on your reader?

while my regular thought provoking posts are still on holiday, i ask one question. not about your resolutions, but about your reading.

what’s on your rss/google/bloglines readers that i should be reading too? what are you really digging? my reader count is currently at 50,  so chances are i may be digging it too.


Flickr Photos


the opinions expressed on this site are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of 12th man productions, first lockhart baptist church, breakaway ministries, nic burleson ministries or its staff.