Archive for April, 2007

the Goodwill extravaganza

dear fellow bloggers,

have you ever wondered if God gives you things in your day so that you can have something to write? not necessarily life changing, just an occurrence…

anywho, so this past wknd i was headed home again…long story as to the reason why i was headed home, but anyway my friday started off with class as normal at 11, then i was to head home after…on the way home from class, my battery light pops on and off a few times…so i take it in to firestone here in CS to get her seen about…well they call back and tell me i need a battery…which is fine, lets do it and i can be on my way…i get the battery, head out and find myself 45 mins out of CS and about 40 mins from any sign of civilization and the light comes back on. i think to myself “those peeps apparently didn’t fix the dang problem.” so i call the guy and tell him what has happened. he says “you have 2 options, either bring it back here, or head on to austin to another firestone. either way, it might die.” im thinking oh great. these people are real professionals. so i figure i will head on and limp my way to austin. i make it fine to the firestone on research and the lady will take a peek. i needed a black sport coat for saturday evening, and i needed to look at goodwill anyway, just so happens the firestone was nearest my most favorite goodwill in austin…so i end up crossing 2 access roads and walk about a mile to the goodwill….find a jacket thats a tad too big, dont end up getting it, but i do end up sorting through their thousand or so t-shirts and i only get 2…but hey, they’re 1.99…thats some SWEET ACTION…but wait..there’s more…while waiting for my car to be done, i realize they have records there…

side note-i am in the middle of collecting some sweet old and new school records for a little artwork to adorn whatever digs i may obtain next yr…kind of like itunes on my wall so-to-speak…i love my itunes and i love the new artwork thing…so im gonna obtain records from ebay and wherever else (2 john mayer vinyl’s are currently en route from ebay people) and then proceed to put them in record frames from urban outfitters and mount those suckers on my wall…

back to my goodwill story, i sorted through a few hundred records and found a police record entitled the synchronicity as well as a U2 War album..both 1.99!…so im pretty excited about my collection…so the second firestone found nothing wrong w/my car, except they would love to put a new alternator in…i bet they would…just like i would like to fly to the moon…which would probably be chaper than a new firestone alternator…so we take it to our mechanic in lockhart…..everybody has one of those…everybody is a tim the tool man taylor and likes their own mechanics….especially my dad….even our mechanic couldnt find out anything…so i drive on…if you see a silver mercedes on the side of the road…its not me….but if you see a silver taurus..then thats me….and im broke down….cuz my car has baffled modern mechanics..i dont recommend it

until next time

the turgeon general

so we hired a new men’s basketball coach this wk…you might not know that because ut announced kevin durant going pro on the same day, within an hour of our press conference…funny how that happens…but i was skeptical about this guy, he supposedly was a good player at kansas, and had some assistant coaching experience and a head coach gig, but could he coach big XII? that still remains to be proven, but what i was impressed with was his character…he was here monday of this wk seeing the campus and whatnot, job was offered to him monday night….instead of waiting on the press conference and sending his players text messages telling them what was about to happen, he flew back and had a 3 hour late night mtg with his now former players….and when asked about that in the press conference, he teared up and had to compose himself..and he made the statement “guys, there’s a lot more to life than college basketball…there’s a big world out there.” most big time college coaches would never say that…they want their players to believe there is nothing else but basketball…not the turgeon general… i cant say we’re gonna be a great team next year, but i know it’s gonna be done with class…gone are the days of the infamous smirk on the aggie’s coach…the turge is here!

good riddance

yes yes i know..i know what your thinking…haha your coach left…or at least nic is…well personally, i appreciate what he did for our program the past few yrs, but i refer you to Richard Justice of the Houston Chronicle:

“Here’s the other thing to know about Billy Clyde Gillispie. He was never going to stay at Texas A&M. Never. If he didn’t have a legitimate reason to leave, he was going to invent one.
His monstrous ego wasn’t going to be satisfied in Aggieland. He wanted more. He has been that way his entire coaching career. Ask some of the people who coached with and against him along the way. Billy Clyde never lacked ambition.”

i leave you with this quote from an obvious whorn fan, who commented this on justice’s blog:
“they were a joke before BCG and they will return to their rightful thrown as losers…”

sounds like a sad, sad person..(that was not nic’s quote. nic did a little UK cheer, and was said with the utmost respect. i think)

first, a little somethin somethin for you guys….

next, a sweet video

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the opinions expressed on this site are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of 12th man productions, first lockhart baptist church, breakaway ministries, nic burleson ministries or its staff.