Archive for December, 2008

most innovative concert visuals

check out the 10 most innovative concert visuals of 08

little gems pt. 2

pt. 2 i mixed in some scenes from elf, and also 2 of my all time favorite christmas music videos. enjoy.

if you havent done so, check out my blog name contest.

cheers, merry christmas, and happy hanukkah.

little gems pt.1

i found a couple of little gems today from 2 of my favorite holiday movies; home alone 1 & 2. also found a commercial in relation to home alone 2 you might remember!

tomorrow, pt.2. dont forget about my blog name contest below.


blog name contest

i’ve had the same blog name for several years, and it needs a redo. so you decide. here’s how it works:

come up with a creative title, and then a pitch-line. (for an example see my current one above.) leave a comment on this post with your name and email and whatnot so you can get the credit you will deserve. after i collect several, i will have a poll for you to decide the best one. depending on how many i get, the first poll will have 8, the second poll 4, then a third poll with 2. if i only get 2, i’ll do one poll. dig?

regulations-it needs to be creative, catchy and straight up cool. preferably original. not necessarily media related, but could be considering i am a geek. even though Christmas is in 3 days, the name of my blog should in no way be related to any sort of holiday. multiple entries per person allowed. some people are more creative than others and i get that.

happy creative-ness, merry Christmas, and happy hanukkah.


cool quote

If your heart takes more pleasure in reading novels, or watching TV, or going to the movies, or talking to friends, rather than just sitting alone with God and embracing Him, sharing His cares and His burdens, weeping and rejoicing with Him, then how are you going to handle forever and ever in His presence…? You’d be bored to tears in heaven, if you’re not ecstatic about God now!?

-Keith Green

have you seen this?

i haven’t sorted through my google reader completely yet, so i’m not sure if many people are talking about this. but check it out:

i am


another good cause

everybody has seen the cool stuff from advent conspiracy and bloodwatermission and the countless other incredible organizations/movements.

but here’s something you may not have caught wind of yet. it’s called TOMS shoes. for every pair of shoes you buy, they send a pair to a child in need in a 3rd world country.  buy a pair for a kid in need, get a pair for yourself. i like that. and they look pretty legit. i know several people that wear these and they always speak highly of them. check out the video below. side note- if you register for the C3 conference, you get a free TOMS pair.

find a retailer nearest you and also check out their shoes online for dudes, chicks, and even the “tiny toms”. i’m not gonna lie, if i saw a little kid rockin these, i would think that kid is more legit than i. and nobody wants that.


my apologies

people. my apologies. i am currently sitting in front of chik fil a about to enjoy an icedream (you should try one if you have never partaken) and, you guessed it, i am using wi-fi. here’s my best reasons for the blogging absence.

  • its finals week
  • i’ve been working like crazy and over break it will be crazy x2
  • crazy things have been going down at work, therefore my mind has been other places
  • i moved last wknd. sandwiched in between work and finals
  • even after moving, i have been left without internet, television, heat, or warm showers.

i wish you a happy day, and i hope to have you more nuggets of goodness to fill your brains with soon. (the icedream is rocking my world!)


adobe labs incredibleness

celebrate advent with…

the hubble space telescope advent calendar.


Flickr Photos


the opinions expressed on this site are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of 12th man productions, first lockhart baptist church, breakaway ministries, nic burleson ministries or its staff.